A Very Happy Thanksgiving

Today was a good day. I enjoyed the time spent with the family on Thanksgiving day. I think I ate more food then I needed too.  🙂 All the food was really great and Kevin made this pot roast that had five spices in it. It was really, really, good!

I got to see some old photos of my family today which I haven’t seen before so I really enjoyed that. I sent the photos to you guys but in case you did not get them, I will post them here.

The young blond hair boy on the left is my geat grandfather Carl who was a full blooded German. The Old Lady sitting down on the left is his grandmother who only spoke German. They immigrated to the United States along with Nellie who was a German Jew. I believe her family is from Israel. I don’t know the names of the other indviduals in this photograph unfortunally. I just know that it is the Brinkman family.

This is my great grandmother Nellie who was married to my great grandfather Carl.

A later portrait of my great grandfather in 1913.