The Human Heart

It is a funny thing when ones heart seems to be raptured by love. All sorts of things happen as words burst out like the melody of song birds in the early morning. And we seemingly flutter across our worldly domain as our smiles radiate as bright as the mid day sun. And our once dim eyes seem to take on the dawning beauty of the firmament. If only our hearts would take command of the body, we would take flight to the highest peaks as we perch our lofty hearts upon the mountain tops crowned with majestic beauty!

copyright by Chad Lindsey

Frederic Chopin:Nocturne In E Flat Major, Op.9 No.2

I love this composition, it reminds me of all the things beautiful in life. All the love we received and wished to give and all the moments of blessings and friendships that warmed the heart. Oh the joyous times in life, how I will treasure them!

The thousand smiles wrought in life and each glistening tear of happiness when loved ones would come near. Oh the consolation of such things that brings the sweet burden of love to rest upon our lips. How we long to speak of such things in order to relive these moments of bliss which was a priceless gift wrapped in the eternal love of family.